what is it about coming back from vacation that makes one feel that everything in their normal life is boring? i arrived back in philadelphia, a city that you all know i love and cherish, this past weekend...and somehow it just feels different this time around. i was in san francisco, again...and i find that i had such a pleasant time...i love that city so much...exact opposite side of the country...well, i'll tell you this, i didn't want to come home.
and i wonder...would anyone have really missed me?
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
i've had a few fanclub membership requests, thanks everyone for joining! i've also had a few emails asking just what the fanclub is all about. with the permission of a few existing members, i'm going to post two sample letters below to let you know just what you get with your membership!
this letter is in response to the theme of "aging":

and this letter is for "flirting":
this letter is in response to the theme of "aging":

and this letter is for "flirting":

Monday, June 16, 2008
me. me. me.
i love it when you send questions about me. i'm not sure if you have realized it, but i love talking about myself. i know some people think that's self centered, but i don't. i think it's self confident. i mean, how else can i share my lethal qualities with the world without talking about my experiences, my life, my love...in short...about me!
anyway. i got this question from tom here in philadelphia. wonder if i'll start seeing him around my apartment anytime soon? lets hope he's just a fan, not a "superfan"...i'm not so sure i need one of those.
What can we find you doing at 2pm on a given weekday?
well, tom, every day is a new adventure for me. some days i'm working, some days i'm lunching on the square, some days i'm sitting around my house in my p.j.'s watching old movies on TCM and drinking martini's! most of the time i'm just doing what everyone else should be doing...enjoying life, love and taking each day as it comes.
there's something to be learned by living in center city at 64 years old. take nothing for granted. every day i have in this wonderful lively city is a day i want to enjoy to the fullest. i mean, i can walk out my door and there are thirty wonderful restaurants just waiting for me to eat and drink! thirty shops with clothes, shoes, bags, housewares and more. historical buildings, museums, national parks and beautiful buildings to admire. am i starting to sound like an ad for philly. oh well. i have to admit, i was born and raised here, and i still marvel at everything that this city has to offer.
today at 2pm, i'll be sipping a glass of wine at one of my favorite bars, with one of my favorite people. perhaps i'll wear one of my favorite dresses to celebrate. not that i have anything to celebrate, but...why not? now you have me all excited about being here.
--Lethal Lady

Don't forget to Join the Fanclub! Click Here!
anyway. i got this question from tom here in philadelphia. wonder if i'll start seeing him around my apartment anytime soon? lets hope he's just a fan, not a "superfan"...i'm not so sure i need one of those.
What can we find you doing at 2pm on a given weekday?
well, tom, every day is a new adventure for me. some days i'm working, some days i'm lunching on the square, some days i'm sitting around my house in my p.j.'s watching old movies on TCM and drinking martini's! most of the time i'm just doing what everyone else should be doing...enjoying life, love and taking each day as it comes.
there's something to be learned by living in center city at 64 years old. take nothing for granted. every day i have in this wonderful lively city is a day i want to enjoy to the fullest. i mean, i can walk out my door and there are thirty wonderful restaurants just waiting for me to eat and drink! thirty shops with clothes, shoes, bags, housewares and more. historical buildings, museums, national parks and beautiful buildings to admire. am i starting to sound like an ad for philly. oh well. i have to admit, i was born and raised here, and i still marvel at everything that this city has to offer.
today at 2pm, i'll be sipping a glass of wine at one of my favorite bars, with one of my favorite people. perhaps i'll wear one of my favorite dresses to celebrate. not that i have anything to celebrate, but...why not? now you have me all excited about being here.
--Lethal Lady

Don't forget to Join the Fanclub! Click Here!
Friday, June 13, 2008
the dreg of society?

i'm really not sure how to even begin. i was driving through a less than desirable area of the city yesterday, and i was shocked and appalled by a scene being carried out on one of the streets.
picture it. three kids. two probably around 5 years old, one still in diapers. no shoes, no shirts. playing...on the sidewalk...in the trash.
yes. in the trash. on the polluted, littered, grungy street. with no shoes on. and they were having a blast.
i don't know. thinking back, i feel like, maybe i should have called child services or something. i kept expecting john quinones to come popping out of an alley to interview me for that new Primetime show "What Would You Do?"...
unfortunately, he didn't. and i didn't call anyone either. living in this city has desensitized me to certain things...and i kid's playing in the street is one of them. i do admit, this was the worst case of child neglect that i've ever seen...and i've seen a lot in 64 years. but, still...i didn't get involved. because, despite how disgusted i was...and still am...about the situation. i'm no superhero (though i may dress up like one every so often). i'm no activist. i'm just a woman trying to get through the day, the best way i know how.
unfortunately for those kids. the best way i know how is to keep moving.
Don't forget to Join the Fanclub! Click Here!
Friday, June 06, 2008
another question.
I'm a recently divorced 60 year old woman who just moved back into the city. I spent most of my life being a mom and wife from the suburbs and now everything has changed. My kids are grown and I'm single again. It hasn't been easy but I'm ready to start a new chapter in my life. I need to get a new look to go along with my new outlook? Any suggestions on where to shop in Philadelphia?
-old threads

looking cute doesn't mean you have to spend a fortune. honestly, i buy a lot of my clothes from the least expected places. zara's has a great variety of both trendy and professional looking clothes, at reasonable prices. you can pick up the latest long hippy-ish sundress for the beach as well as a wrap dress for work...and spend less than $100. i love h&m for staple items, tee shirts, tank tops, etc. and the same goes for american apparel. and there is always macy's and anthropology sale racks. i've never gone wrong browsing the bargain bins at either of those stores. i am a center city girl, so i rarely go down to the gallery mall or old city. and i hate driving out to king of prussia for anything, 76 is the worst.
when i do want to splurge on something "fierce," i usually go to knit wit or leehe fai
i have some of the cutest sexiest dresses that i wear that i bought off a street vendor or from a consignment shop. i may look like a million bucks, but i sure don't spend that much!
--Lethal Lady
I'm a recently divorced 60 year old woman who just moved back into the city. I spent most of my life being a mom and wife from the suburbs and now everything has changed. My kids are grown and I'm single again. It hasn't been easy but I'm ready to start a new chapter in my life. I need to get a new look to go along with my new outlook? Any suggestions on where to shop in Philadelphia?
-old threads

looking cute doesn't mean you have to spend a fortune. honestly, i buy a lot of my clothes from the least expected places. zara's has a great variety of both trendy and professional looking clothes, at reasonable prices. you can pick up the latest long hippy-ish sundress for the beach as well as a wrap dress for work...and spend less than $100. i love h&m for staple items, tee shirts, tank tops, etc. and the same goes for american apparel. and there is always macy's and anthropology sale racks. i've never gone wrong browsing the bargain bins at either of those stores. i am a center city girl, so i rarely go down to the gallery mall or old city. and i hate driving out to king of prussia for anything, 76 is the worst.
when i do want to splurge on something "fierce," i usually go to knit wit or leehe fai
i have some of the cutest sexiest dresses that i wear that i bought off a street vendor or from a consignment shop. i may look like a million bucks, but i sure don't spend that much!
--Lethal Lady
my latest obsession
ok. maybe it's not latest. maybe it's been my obsession for the past few years. but i love the summer most of all because of 'so you think you can dance'. i can't stop thinking about it. i love it. i want to be 28 again so that i could be on the show.
can i dance?...not really. do i do it anyway? i think you've seen my video...hell yes.
ok. i dance around my living room when the show is on. i love every second of it. the kids on the show are so stinking talented. my goodness. it's the best reality show on television. it's true talent.
the judges are hysterical. it's so much better than any of those other dancing shows...the one w/ the famous people...dancing with the stars. so bad. not worth even watching. it's not even worth flipping the channel past it. honestly. it's that bad.
so. anyway. this show. sooo good. it's no coincidence that i do my live chat on thursday nights, so i can watch while i talk. oops. does that make you jealous?
can i dance?...not really. do i do it anyway? i think you've seen my video...hell yes.
ok. i dance around my living room when the show is on. i love every second of it. the kids on the show are so stinking talented. my goodness. it's the best reality show on television. it's true talent.
the judges are hysterical. it's so much better than any of those other dancing shows...the one w/ the famous people...dancing with the stars. so bad. not worth even watching. it's not even worth flipping the channel past it. honestly. it's that bad.
so. anyway. this show. sooo good. it's no coincidence that i do my live chat on thursday nights, so i can watch while i talk. oops. does that make you jealous?
a serious moment. a true story.

so for some reason i've been thinking lately about this man who jumped to his death, from the top of my apartment building. it was years ago. i didn't know him, but i'm sure i'd seen him in the hallways at least once in my years of living there. he landed in the back alley of the apartment building. near the trashcans. i know, because it was roped off for quite a while. we had to leave our trash in a hallway, just inside. i've also been thinking of how i tried to see where he landed. i remember that wanted to see blood. how morbid?
i dont even know why i'm thinking about that guy. of course i don't know his name. i barely remember what my apartment looked like then.
i guess what i've been thinking is that it's rather sad that someone can sink to that place. i mean, it doesn't make me sad...really. but it makes me wonder....what could make someone so sad?
Monday, June 02, 2008
Sunny or Rainy...
gosh what a beautiful weekend it was. sorry it's been a while since i've posted. i've been very tired lately. not sure if it's stress or the change of season or what. i've just been dragging.
well, now it's raining buckets here. i can't go out and have a drink outside the park. and...i've got a backlog of questions to answer...so...i better get to it!
I know it's all part of life but sometimes getting old makes me blue. I often regret the things I didn't do...I tell myself to concentrate on today and not live in the past, but sometimes it's so difficult. You seem so "together" and happy...do you ever feel sad about getting old?
-Wrinkled and Depressed
sad about being old? never. i don't waste my time crying over spilled milk. you can't help that you get old. it happens to everyone, you're born, you're young, you get old, you die. no changing that. what you can change is the regret that you mentioned in your question. there is no reason for you to regret anything. anything. if you didn't do something in the past that you feel you still want to do...DO IT! go dancing, go to rome, sing in the rain, have sex with someone tall dark and handsome...(or short dark and handsome). it's never too late to do anything. honestly, that's why i'm so happy. i recognize that i can do anything i want to. it took me a while to figure out that all that happened to me in my past was just that...passed. and now, i know that there is always a way to do what i want to do. the trick, is figuring it out how...
how? you ask...well that...is for another post ;)
--Lethal Lady
well, now it's raining buckets here. i can't go out and have a drink outside the park. and...i've got a backlog of questions to answer...so...i better get to it!
I know it's all part of life but sometimes getting old makes me blue. I often regret the things I didn't do...I tell myself to concentrate on today and not live in the past, but sometimes it's so difficult. You seem so "together" and happy...do you ever feel sad about getting old?
-Wrinkled and Depressed
sad about being old? never. i don't waste my time crying over spilled milk. you can't help that you get old. it happens to everyone, you're born, you're young, you get old, you die. no changing that. what you can change is the regret that you mentioned in your question. there is no reason for you to regret anything. anything. if you didn't do something in the past that you feel you still want to do...DO IT! go dancing, go to rome, sing in the rain, have sex with someone tall dark and handsome...(or short dark and handsome). it's never too late to do anything. honestly, that's why i'm so happy. i recognize that i can do anything i want to. it took me a while to figure out that all that happened to me in my past was just that...passed. and now, i know that there is always a way to do what i want to do. the trick, is figuring it out how...
how? you ask...well that...is for another post ;)
--Lethal Lady
Monday, May 12, 2008
superficial love.
so the new hot thing right now is paparazzi for the masses. i've been reading about it all over the place. there are these companies that will actually follow you around after you've sent them your itinerary for a day and stalk you like the paparazzi.
interesting? yes.
interested? no.
i mean, being Lethal Lady is pretty high profile in itself...but would i want to have to pay someone to follow me around and pretend i was important.
not really.
so there are two sites that i've specifically seen that do this:
this one is silly. they follow you around and yell your name. people interview you and then you get a fake magazine with your picture on it. i mean....get a life. seriously.
this one....i find very strangely compelling. they don't act all weird and call out your name or whatever...what they do is follow you around, secretly, and take candid pictures of you. its like....voyeurism that you pay for. right? and you sure pay, it's expensive.... but i kind of like the idea.
interesting? yes.
interested? no.
i mean, being Lethal Lady is pretty high profile in itself...but would i want to have to pay someone to follow me around and pretend i was important.
not really.
so there are two sites that i've specifically seen that do this:
this one is silly. they follow you around and yell your name. people interview you and then you get a fake magazine with your picture on it. i mean....get a life. seriously.
this one....i find very strangely compelling. they don't act all weird and call out your name or whatever...what they do is follow you around, secretly, and take candid pictures of you. its like....voyeurism that you pay for. right? and you sure pay, it's expensive.... but i kind of like the idea.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
my friend turned 50 yesterday, and she had a party in the back room at this little italian place in center city philly.
it was so much fun, great people, great food, and great wine. i splurged a little (or a lot) on the drinks, and couldn't stop popping calamari and mini carrot cake muffins. (not at the same time, but i definitely went back and forth between the two).
everyone was dressed up, sassy women in dresses and summer skirts, all the men (though half of them were probably gay) looked so dapper in their polo shirts and dress pants. i love a good party. i had a blast. i talked to everyone, even though i only knew a handful of people. and the woman throwing the party was radiant in her lemon yellow sundress.
in the midst of a conversation i was having with one group of people, the topic of indulgence came up. it's hard not to think about indulgence when you're in a party situation, food being passed around and 100 bottle of wine sitting on the table ready to be drunk.
one gentleman there, whom i know pretty well, was eating a brownie, when he turned to me and asked...
"lethal," he asked, "if you had to choose...brownie or sex...which would you?"
i thought for a moment. picked up another brownie from the pile and took a bite...(heavenly)...and answered:
"really?" he asked...i'm sure he was surprised at my response.
"well..." i answered..."it lasts longer..." and, quite frankly, it does.
they were pretty big brownies.
it was so much fun, great people, great food, and great wine. i splurged a little (or a lot) on the drinks, and couldn't stop popping calamari and mini carrot cake muffins. (not at the same time, but i definitely went back and forth between the two).
everyone was dressed up, sassy women in dresses and summer skirts, all the men (though half of them were probably gay) looked so dapper in their polo shirts and dress pants. i love a good party. i had a blast. i talked to everyone, even though i only knew a handful of people. and the woman throwing the party was radiant in her lemon yellow sundress.
in the midst of a conversation i was having with one group of people, the topic of indulgence came up. it's hard not to think about indulgence when you're in a party situation, food being passed around and 100 bottle of wine sitting on the table ready to be drunk.
one gentleman there, whom i know pretty well, was eating a brownie, when he turned to me and asked...
"lethal," he asked, "if you had to choose...brownie or sex...which would you?"
i thought for a moment. picked up another brownie from the pile and took a bite...(heavenly)...and answered:

"really?" he asked...i'm sure he was surprised at my response.
"well..." i answered..."it lasts longer..." and, quite frankly, it does.
they were pretty big brownies.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Flobble, Ginourmous...and more.
so...i use made up words. is it a crime? no. is it sometimes embarrassing. well, that, i found out the hard way.
i'm a big proponent of saying what comes to mind. and often times, made up words can explain a situation way better than conventional dictionary words can. (we all know about "truthiness", right?)
so anyway. the other day, i'm in a meeting with some "V.I.P's" and i'm in the middle of talking...and...good lord....it comes out. bragadocious. huh? you read it right...bragadocious. sounds good enough, right. you know what it means, just by the sound of it. well, i guess that's not good enough for some people.
"i'm sorry," VIP #1 interrupts.
"um." i say. "i said bragadocious, but what i meant was..."
"brag..a...dooocious?" VIP #2 says.
"yes...but i meant to say braggart." strange looks all around. eyebrows raised. all that crap.
come on...braggart isn't much better of a word. whats the difference, really. just because it's listed in Webster's means it's more acceptable? i mean, it's like it doesn't sound like a real word. and as i said, it's easy to know what i meant....
ok. as i am writing this, i'm thinking to myself. "are you serious?" and, really, am i?
i'm a big proponent of saying what comes to mind. and often times, made up words can explain a situation way better than conventional dictionary words can. (we all know about "truthiness", right?)
so anyway. the other day, i'm in a meeting with some "V.I.P's" and i'm in the middle of talking...and...good lord....it comes out. bragadocious. huh? you read it right...bragadocious. sounds good enough, right. you know what it means, just by the sound of it. well, i guess that's not good enough for some people.
"i'm sorry," VIP #1 interrupts.
"um." i say. "i said bragadocious, but what i meant was..."
"brag..a...dooocious?" VIP #2 says.
"yes...but i meant to say braggart." strange looks all around. eyebrows raised. all that crap.
come on...braggart isn't much better of a word. whats the difference, really. just because it's listed in Webster's means it's more acceptable? i mean, it's like it doesn't sound like a real word. and as i said, it's easy to know what i meant....
ok. as i am writing this, i'm thinking to myself. "are you serious?" and, really, am i?
Friday, April 25, 2008
the fine print.

i'm taking a new medication to relieve myself of some stress headaches i've been getting lately. it's medication i've never taken before, and of course, can't pronounce...and it's making me sick.
i'm a big believer in psychosomatic symptoms...so i don't usually read the laundry list of side effects that a medication has. i always feel like, if i read it...i may end up getting it. so i usually avoid them. i throw them away as soon as i open the pills.
anyway i started taking the medicine about a week ago...and since then, i've ended up getting constipated, then i got diarrhea...i'm getting increased heart rate and palpitations throughout the day...extreme drowsinesses (despite the fast heartbeats)...and the shakes.
but have i had one headache?
of course not.
not one single pang.
what the hell is wrong with the medical profession that they cannot cure one ailment without giving you fifteen others in it's place? i've taken more medication to counteract the side effects of the original medicine...i'd probably test positive for heroin at this point, just from the pill cocktails i've been swallowing on a daily basis!
is it worth it to me to have a headache free day, when i'm spending my time either too far from a toilet or way too close? i'm walking around in a shaky stupor, feeling like my heart is in my throat! and i'm sitting up at nearly 1am on a thursday night when i have to work the next day because i can't sleep due to my extreme stomach conditions!
if this is what i have to look forward to as i get older, and my insides stop working...good lord...strike me down now. i can't take it! i'd rather let my body run it's course than worry about what some medications are going to make it do!
wouldn't you?
Thursday, April 24, 2008
22, 34, 46, 58...Who Do I Appreciate?

How young is too young? How old is too old?
the words "too old" and "too young" don't appear in my book. unless you are talking about kids, then, well, i don't want you reading my blog, you sick fucker.
otherwise...i'm not sure i can say anyone of legal age is too young or old. love, sex, fun...they are not about ages, or numbers. they are about feelings....and if it feels right..well...it probably is. as i've said before here in this blog..i've dated younger men, and yes, i've dated older men. in fact, i'm seeing an older gentleman right now...and believe me, honey, i'd never say he's "too old". he's as young and virile as they come...
age is just a number. and for me. i like the number 20...and 52...and 78..and 43...and...
--Lethal Lady
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
cigarettes and chocolate milk.
saw rufus wainwright on saturday night in princeton. i went with a friend of mine who is a big fan. i was familiar with his music...some of it...so i agreed to go along. it was great.
went to town earlier than the show and walked around. it's a beautiful area, though not much going on as far as shopping. j crew, talbots, ralph lauren. seen it. no better than philly...which, truth be told, ain't that great shopping either. either way, i love walking around princeton college area. it's so pretty. it was close to 90 degrees on saturday, so the weather was unbelievable. there were tons of students around...it made me think about how long ago it was when i was their age. ugh! forget i said that!
so back to the show. it was really great. his voice is amazing. he sounds just like he does on his albums...only...well, better. and he's such a cutey.
he sang all the great songs. and a few that i know from listening to his albums in my friend's car or apartment. i was surprised at how many people my age were there. he mentioned during the show that most of his albums are bought by women. we're his market. who knew?
well, if you don't know him...go get an album. any album. poses is my favorite, but it's old. any of his albums are great.
that's all she wrote. for now.
went to town earlier than the show and walked around. it's a beautiful area, though not much going on as far as shopping. j crew, talbots, ralph lauren. seen it. no better than philly...which, truth be told, ain't that great shopping either. either way, i love walking around princeton college area. it's so pretty. it was close to 90 degrees on saturday, so the weather was unbelievable. there were tons of students around...it made me think about how long ago it was when i was their age. ugh! forget i said that!
so back to the show. it was really great. his voice is amazing. he sounds just like he does on his albums...only...well, better. and he's such a cutey.

well, if you don't know him...go get an album. any album. poses is my favorite, but it's old. any of his albums are great.
that's all she wrote. for now.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Not My Idol.

i hate david archuleta.
there. i said it. and i feel better now. it's off my chest, and i dont care if you agree with me or not. i get why everyone says his voice is great, the boy can definately sing. i just personally don't like his voice.
i can't stand him.
i feel bad cause he's a kid, and i think his father is a stage dad, and forces him to do all of this stuff. it's all over the internet that his father's a crazy one. but...i still can't find the compassion to like david. i just can't.
oh, and did i mention...he didnt know any beatles songs? i mean, come on...you're a teenager, not a mutant!
i don't know. i'm sick of him singing bullshit inspirational songs.
anyway. i just want this kid to be voted off. won't you all stop calling for him?

Wednesday, April 16, 2008
it's official...the fanclub has begun! it's been a long time coming. and i've put a lot of thought into it. i've been asking questions of a lot of my fans...and friends...and here it is. finished. formulated. and hopefully, fun.
so...basically, here's how it works. choose one of the following membership levels, and see what you receive below. after you have joined the fanclub, you'll receive an email with instructions on how to choose "topics" for your monthly personally written letter, questions on your address info, and the rest of the "rules and regulations" of the membership.
from there...it's just fun!
Level 1 membership:
$15 -- You Recieve:
- Welcome Kit (contains a welcome letter, membership card, a signed picture)
- One personally hand written letter per month from Lethal Lady based on my choice of interests.
Level 2 membership:
$25 -- You Recieve:
- Welcome Kit (contains a welcome letter, membership card, a signed picture)
- One personally hand written letter per month from Lethal Lady based on your specific interests chosen from a provided list (see below)
- One personal photo per month of Lethal Lady (from her private collection)
- One surprise Welcome Gift
that's about it...not that hard, right? so...if you have any questions, feel free to use the comments section in this post, or email me. i'm here to answer your questions...and hopefully...get to know you through the fanclub...
Some topics for letters are (sampling):
Click here to Join!
so...basically, here's how it works. choose one of the following membership levels, and see what you receive below. after you have joined the fanclub, you'll receive an email with instructions on how to choose "topics" for your monthly personally written letter, questions on your address info, and the rest of the "rules and regulations" of the membership.
from there...it's just fun!
Level 1 membership:
$15 -- You Recieve:
- Welcome Kit (contains a welcome letter, membership card, a signed picture)
- One personally hand written letter per month from Lethal Lady based on my choice of interests.
Level 2 membership:
$25 -- You Recieve:
- Welcome Kit (contains a welcome letter, membership card, a signed picture)
- One personally hand written letter per month from Lethal Lady based on your specific interests chosen from a provided list (see below)
- One personal photo per month of Lethal Lady (from her private collection)
- One surprise Welcome Gift
that's about it...not that hard, right? so...if you have any questions, feel free to use the comments section in this post, or email me. i'm here to answer your questions...and hopefully...get to know you through the fanclub...
Some topics for letters are (sampling):
* Aging * Communication * Online Dating
* Body Language * Dating * Romantic Cooking
* Breaking Up * Flirting * Being Seniors
* Careers * Love Poems
Click here to Join!
Get Over It...
There's a woman in my office that I've been flirting with.
She's sexy and smart and I'd really like to go out with her.
I'm single and so is she. So what's the problem you ask?
Well, she's 57 and I'm 29. I mentioned in passing to some of my guy friends that I thought she was hot. They said “yeh, but she's old dude.” I think she might go out with me but I'm afraid to be seen with her in public. I know I shouldn't care.
Any advice?

you have two choices, Jason….and both begin with “get over it”…
get over it #1…get over her…and pussy out on taking a chance. (not recommending this one.)
get over it #2…(this is my favorite choice)…get over your insecurity. what the hell do you care what the “public” thinks? seriously? You could be passing up some of the best times of your young life. you're friends will end up being jealous of the fun you're having...and the rest of the world can...well...they can fuck off.
There's a woman in my office that I've been flirting with.
She's sexy and smart and I'd really like to go out with her.
I'm single and so is she. So what's the problem you ask?
Well, she's 57 and I'm 29. I mentioned in passing to some of my guy friends that I thought she was hot. They said “yeh, but she's old dude.” I think she might go out with me but I'm afraid to be seen with her in public. I know I shouldn't care.
Any advice?

you have two choices, Jason….and both begin with “get over it”…
get over it #1…get over her…and pussy out on taking a chance. (not recommending this one.)
get over it #2…(this is my favorite choice)…get over your insecurity. what the hell do you care what the “public” thinks? seriously? You could be passing up some of the best times of your young life. you're friends will end up being jealous of the fun you're having...and the rest of the world can...well...they can fuck off.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Something to Talk About
i'm tired. not like sleepy tired...but tired...of..well, everything. i'm tired of this divorce. tired of my house. tired of everyone complaining. (am i complaining now?) just tired.
it's getting nicer outside, and i think i'm supposed to be feeling happy and light and airy and springy. instead i feel tired.
i went out this weekend, took a long walk along the schuylkill river, 8 miles. and it was just wonderful...i didn't think about anything except the weather (72 degrees!), the people i passed (interesting lot), the beauty of being outside. i felt like i escaped for those few hours. i left my cellphone in the car. left everything in the car...
am i being to melancholy?
snap out of it.
it's getting nicer outside, and i think i'm supposed to be feeling happy and light and airy and springy. instead i feel tired.
i went out this weekend, took a long walk along the schuylkill river, 8 miles. and it was just wonderful...i didn't think about anything except the weather (72 degrees!), the people i passed (interesting lot), the beauty of being outside. i felt like i escaped for those few hours. i left my cellphone in the car. left everything in the car...
am i being to melancholy?
snap out of it.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Passing the Time...
With the answer to a question...
I have a younger lover--I know, I know, what's to complain about? The thing is that at 28, he goes on and on and on and on. I'm getting totally exhausted, and even starting to do the dreaded shopping list in my head. What can I do to get him moving along without hurting his feelings or, God forbid, encouraging him towards a more limber lass his own age?
You know my opinion…honesty is the best policy. Let him know that you've had some fun (lots of fun, right?) but it's time to move on. If you're tired…tell him your tired. If you're bored..tell him. If you can't keep up….and I get it, young men are quite virile…just tell him. Better you let him go, tell him to find someone more apt to handle his constant urges…a "limber lass" as you put it…
--Lethal Lady
I have a younger lover--I know, I know, what's to complain about? The thing is that at 28, he goes on and on and on and on. I'm getting totally exhausted, and even starting to do the dreaded shopping list in my head. What can I do to get him moving along without hurting his feelings or, God forbid, encouraging him towards a more limber lass his own age?
You know my opinion…honesty is the best policy. Let him know that you've had some fun (lots of fun, right?) but it's time to move on. If you're tired…tell him your tired. If you're bored..tell him. If you can't keep up….and I get it, young men are quite virile…just tell him. Better you let him go, tell him to find someone more apt to handle his constant urges…a "limber lass" as you put it…
--Lethal Lady
Friday, April 11, 2008
Getting a Rise
well well. got a comment on one of my previous posts today...looks like some people really have a problem with me. this person (whom i think is chicken shit to call themselves "anonymous") wants me to "honestly answer"...so here you go.
I think you are mean, judgemental, self centered and over confident. You are hardly that pretty, and even less attractive the more you write. How your family and friends can even take you seriously is one question I'd like to see you honestly answer? - anonymous
mean? sometimes.
judgemental? definitely.
self centered? well, clearly.
over confident? nah...i'd say, just the right amount of confident.
but those aren't really your questions, right? you want to know how my family and friends take me seriously. well, i'm not sure they always do. i think they find me sometimes weird, sometimes ditsy, and sometimes a little tactless. they know when i'm being serious and when i'm being...well...just me...and guess what...they actually still like me. wow, that's amazing, right? people can actually like me for who i am? what kind of friends are they?
so i have a question for you...mr or ms anonymous. a question i've asked many people who've written to this blog with questions or comments about me being dumb, or boring, or whatever...
why are you reading?
- lethal lady
I think you are mean, judgemental, self centered and over confident. You are hardly that pretty, and even less attractive the more you write. How your family and friends can even take you seriously is one question I'd like to see you honestly answer? - anonymous
mean? sometimes.
judgemental? definitely.
self centered? well, clearly.
over confident? nah...i'd say, just the right amount of confident.
but those aren't really your questions, right? you want to know how my family and friends take me seriously. well, i'm not sure they always do. i think they find me sometimes weird, sometimes ditsy, and sometimes a little tactless. they know when i'm being serious and when i'm being...well...just me...and guess what...they actually still like me. wow, that's amazing, right? people can actually like me for who i am? what kind of friends are they?
so i have a question for you...mr or ms anonymous. a question i've asked many people who've written to this blog with questions or comments about me being dumb, or boring, or whatever...
why are you reading?
- lethal lady
Monday, March 31, 2008
For Your Protection...
had a pretty relaxing weekend. last night i cooked up some homemade gnocchi for a few friends...drank some wine...had a nice time.
now i'm sitting around, watching re-runs of CSI...reading through my emails and getting ready to answer some, always interesting, questions...
Explain how to use a female condom, and give opinion on if they are better/worse to use than a male condom?
hahaa! female condom? i have to say, i'm not that modern. i've seen one of those things once..and it nearly scared my hoo-hoo into hibernation...it's so...i don't know...big! weird! abnormal! it looks like a jellyfish! i wouldn't know how to use one if it slapped me in the...well...you get the point. i'm sorry that i can't be of further assistance on this one..but...i'm "old fashioned" in that arena. when it comes down to carnal knowledge....the only knowledge i have is of trojan man.
--Lethal Lady
now i'm sitting around, watching re-runs of CSI...reading through my emails and getting ready to answer some, always interesting, questions...
Explain how to use a female condom, and give opinion on if they are better/worse to use than a male condom?
hahaa! female condom? i have to say, i'm not that modern. i've seen one of those things once..and it nearly scared my hoo-hoo into hibernation...it's so...i don't know...big! weird! abnormal! it looks like a jellyfish! i wouldn't know how to use one if it slapped me in the...well...you get the point. i'm sorry that i can't be of further assistance on this one..but...i'm "old fashioned" in that arena. when it comes down to carnal knowledge....the only knowledge i have is of trojan man.
--Lethal Lady
In Confidence
so i was having a conversation the other night with a considerably younger friend of mine...about confidence. we were discussing whether confidence is learned by experiences...or if it's just something inside of someone, and can be realized at any time.
it's an interesting question to ponder. and i have been thinking about it since our chat. my friend was saying that i have so much confidence because of my age...i've lived life, learned a lot, and grown into a self-assured woman.
of course, i do believe that experiences help to shape the person you are...and i do think that life helps you to realize your value. but in saying that..i also think that you can realize your value at any age. i know women (and men) at 30 years old who have more confidence than i could ever imagine having.
it's such an interesting topic..any opinions out there?
"When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun. And when you have fun, you can do amazing things." - Joe Namath
it's an interesting question to ponder. and i have been thinking about it since our chat. my friend was saying that i have so much confidence because of my age...i've lived life, learned a lot, and grown into a self-assured woman.
of course, i do believe that experiences help to shape the person you are...and i do think that life helps you to realize your value. but in saying that..i also think that you can realize your value at any age. i know women (and men) at 30 years old who have more confidence than i could ever imagine having.
it's such an interesting topic..any opinions out there?
"When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun. And when you have fun, you can do amazing things." - Joe Namath
Saturday, March 29, 2008
N-32 O-66
my girlfriends and i go out a couple times a week to well, meet men. there are a couple of night clubs we frequent but it gets expensive after a while. we're all widows on fixed incomes.
where can we go that wouldn't be as expensive or better yet free! please don't say church bingo!
great question, carla. don't worry, i wouldn't be caught dead at church bingo. please. if i died, and someone brought me to church bingo...my body would spontaneously rise up, walk out, and die again on the sidewalk. believe me.
so...i'm going to give you a few secrets to living lethal...like i do. you know i'm on a fixed income as well. any money that i do make from working is spent on my lawyer, trying to settle this perpetual divorce case. (don't get me started on that one...) so...of course, my first tip is to let the guys you meet at these night clubs, bars, etc..buy you drinks. i mean, you can go all night never having to open your purse. are you actually talking to people when you and your friends go out? or are you sitting around waiting for someone to come to you. it's 2008 darlin'...sometimes you gotta make the first move.
now...have you heard of a little place called starbucks? i mean...coffee shops are the new bar. everyone goes there. sit in the high backed chair...and smile at that man across the table from you with his laptop. for $1.87 and very slow sipping, you can get at least an hour or more of relatively cheap attention.
of course...you can always take a lover...if you find the right kind (rich, handsome, horny, unattached)...BINGO.
--Lethal Lady
my girlfriends and i go out a couple times a week to well, meet men. there are a couple of night clubs we frequent but it gets expensive after a while. we're all widows on fixed incomes.
where can we go that wouldn't be as expensive or better yet free! please don't say church bingo!
great question, carla. don't worry, i wouldn't be caught dead at church bingo. please. if i died, and someone brought me to church bingo...my body would spontaneously rise up, walk out, and die again on the sidewalk. believe me.
so...i'm going to give you a few secrets to living lethal...like i do. you know i'm on a fixed income as well. any money that i do make from working is spent on my lawyer, trying to settle this perpetual divorce case. (don't get me started on that one...) so...of course, my first tip is to let the guys you meet at these night clubs, bars, etc..buy you drinks. i mean, you can go all night never having to open your purse. are you actually talking to people when you and your friends go out? or are you sitting around waiting for someone to come to you. it's 2008 darlin'...sometimes you gotta make the first move.
now...have you heard of a little place called starbucks? i mean...coffee shops are the new bar. everyone goes there. sit in the high backed chair...and smile at that man across the table from you with his laptop. for $1.87 and very slow sipping, you can get at least an hour or more of relatively cheap attention.

--Lethal Lady
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Honesty Isn't Always the Best Policy...
so i'm standing with a coworker yesterday. she had obviously just gotten something done to her hair. it was a new look. and not a very good one. i hadn't mentioned the new "do"...and she hadn't asked. it was perfect.
so another person walks over. and starts commenting on her hair...how good it looks, how pretty, blah blah blah. and they have the nerve to pull me into the conversation. i was trying to slink away....trying to step backwards until i was out of the conversation. and he pulled me back into it. asking me straight out, didn't i think it looked great?
and i said nothing.
i didn't know what to do. i couldn't lie...i couldn't tell the truth. i just...well..froze. and stood there. and looked at her bad hair. and she looked at me, looking at her bad hair.
and it was awful.
so, here's the thing....is honesty the best policy? should i have lied? should i have told her that it looked great, she was hot, all that crap that people want to hear? probably. but i can't find it in myself to do that. i compliment when it's deserved...not just because someone changed something about their look, or bought a new shirt, or whatever. i'm not going to be that person who smiles and blindly gives out compliments. i just can't do it.
if you want a friend like that, don't come to me. if you want the truth. well...here i am.

and i said nothing.
i didn't know what to do. i couldn't lie...i couldn't tell the truth. i just...well..froze. and stood there. and looked at her bad hair. and she looked at me, looking at her bad hair.
and it was awful.
so, here's the thing....is honesty the best policy? should i have lied? should i have told her that it looked great, she was hot, all that crap that people want to hear? probably. but i can't find it in myself to do that. i compliment when it's deserved...not just because someone changed something about their look, or bought a new shirt, or whatever. i'm not going to be that person who smiles and blindly gives out compliments. i just can't do it.
if you want a friend like that, don't come to me. if you want the truth. well...here i am.
did i mention that i don't yawn when other people yawn. "everyone" says that "everyone" catches yawns.
sitting across the table from someone yawning, you probably ended up yawning. talking on the phone to someone yawning, you probably end up yawning. i bet that reading this...me saying yawn over and and over again (yawn yawn yawn yawn)...you're probably going to end up yawning.
but i don't.
i don't yawn. i mean, i yawn, but only when i am tired. i don't catch yawns from other people.
so i looked into it. and i found out that "experiments suggest that contagious yawning is related to a person's self-awareness and ability to see things from another person's view"...basically people with empathy, catch yawns. and...did i mention that i don't... so does this mean that i don't have empathy? i mean...i'm sitting here (not yawning) trying to think back to a time when i felt empathetic for someone. some time when i felt someone else's pain, in my own heart and body and soul. a time when i put myself into someone else's shoes, realized what they were going through...
um. achem. yawn. oops. i think i got bored.
sitting across the table from someone yawning, you probably ended up yawning. talking on the phone to someone yawning, you probably end up yawning. i bet that reading this...me saying yawn over and and over again (yawn yawn yawn yawn)...you're probably going to end up yawning.
but i don't.
i don't yawn. i mean, i yawn, but only when i am tired. i don't catch yawns from other people.
so i looked into it. and i found out that "experiments suggest that contagious yawning is related to a person's self-awareness and ability to see things from another person's view"...basically people with empathy, catch yawns. and...did i mention that i don't... so does this mean that i don't have empathy? i mean...i'm sitting here (not yawning) trying to think back to a time when i felt empathetic for someone. some time when i felt someone else's pain, in my own heart and body and soul. a time when i put myself into someone else's shoes, realized what they were going through...
um. achem. yawn. oops. i think i got bored.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Nasty Girls Need Advice Too...

Please , LL, tell me EXACTLY how to give a man the best blow job he ever had.
well well. i've been waiting for a question of this type. i knew it would come. you all have been waaaay too nice up to this point. honestly, i don’t like to “blow and tell”…as it were….so you’re not getting any juicy gossip from me. sorry darling...try again...somewhere else.
--Lethal Lady
Monday, March 24, 2008
Happy Easter!

spent my easter weekend cooking and eating. friday and saturday i pretty much spent getting ready for the big family easter that we always have. then we ate and ate and ate. and ate. easter's a great holiday. it makes me happy because spring is finally here...and it's just bright and cheery and so...pastel. plus the ham, lamb, pineapple stuffing, carrot cake...who could complain about that delicious food! oh, yeh, and i guess i should mention that my good catholic upbringing has ingrained the importance of the holiday into my brain, too!
so, i got a question from a girl named renea. and it's not very springy or easter bunny-ish...but it's a question that needs to be answered...so...here you go.
My father died recently, and while it was very sad, it was long-expected. I'd like nothing more than for my mother to go on with her life and find new love--she's still gorgeous and young, at 60--but I'm not sure how to bring it up in a way that doesn't sound trashy. Any thoughts?
well, renea, i'm very sorry for your loss. you're mom is going through a lot right now...before you push her into anything she's going to be uncomfortable about, make sure you talk to her. ask her how she's doing, if she needs to talk about your father...or about anything at all.
if you have a good relationship with you mother, you'll know if she's ready. and when she is...i think that you can easily bring this kind of thing up in conversation. tell her that you think she's beautiful, and young, and that she deserves to be happy. also, let her know that you are ok with her dating, if she wants to. one of her big hang-ups may be that she doesn't want to hurt you! offer to go out with her...it's going to be hard for her to get back into the dating scene...she may need your advice! the more supportive you are of her, the happier she'll be.
--Lethal Lady
Friday, March 21, 2008
Hard...bodies, that is.
i've received a lot of questions asking how i keep in such good shape...just a few below...
Do you work out? What's your secret?
I've never had to worry about my weight. I eat sensibly and stay fairly active, but I've noticed that it's becoming much harder to maintain my figure. What do you do to stay so trim?
-Brandy, Philadelphia
Have you ever tried strip-aerobics?
well...i'm not sure that any of you are going to like my answer on this one...mostly because my answer is...it's in the jeans...er, i mean genes. honestly, as you may have noticed, i live pretty much on a diet of martinis, wine and restaurant food. i've got my "special men" taking me out to dinner four/five nights out of the week (if only they'd start paying my bills...ugh!)...
i walk around the city a lot...though i'm not sure stiletto miles count as "exercise"...
i haven't tried strip aerobics...but i have been known to strip...if the moment is right. of course, i'd call what comes after the stripping the "exercise"...that's when we're working up a sweat.
--Lethal Lady
Do you work out? What's your secret?
I've never had to worry about my weight. I eat sensibly and stay fairly active, but I've noticed that it's becoming much harder to maintain my figure. What do you do to stay so trim?
-Brandy, Philadelphia
Have you ever tried strip-aerobics?
well...i'm not sure that any of you are going to like my answer on this one...mostly because my answer is...it's in the jeans...er, i mean genes. honestly, as you may have noticed, i live pretty much on a diet of martinis, wine and restaurant food. i've got my "special men" taking me out to dinner four/five nights out of the week (if only they'd start paying my bills...ugh!)...

i walk around the city a lot...though i'm not sure stiletto miles count as "exercise"...
i haven't tried strip aerobics...but i have been known to strip...if the moment is right. of course, i'd call what comes after the stripping the "exercise"...that's when we're working up a sweat.
--Lethal Lady
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Let's Get Serious

i went to pick up coffee this morning at my corner "WhoreBucks"...ordered my latte and glazed Doughnut and paid (with a gift card i found in my purse, no less)...so i probably waited a whole 3 minutes for my latte, and even less time for my doughnut. but when i went to pay the guy at the counter, he gave me a "free coffee" coupon...and said "hope your day gets better."
i woke up this morning in a wonderful mood. despite the rain, i knew that today was going to end up being a beautiful spring-like day. when i did my hair today, it came out perfectly. i mean it. like...movie star perfect...like...hair-show perfect. not a straggler or a split end. i got dressed feeling good...feeling flawless...and headed to get breakfast.
fast forward.
"hope your day gets better." what??? my day is fine!! honestly!! ok, i didnt say that. i just smiled and put the free coffee coupon in my purse. but i lingered. i stood at condiments counter (do you call them condiments in a coffee shop?) even though i certainly didn't need to add milk to the latte (definition: a drink made by adding a shot of espresso to a glass or cup of frothy hot or steamed milk)...but i wanted to see if this coupon was given out to anyone else.
i stood...sad to say...for a good 5-6 customers. no free coffees. not one. just me.
so...the questions lie with me. what makes me different? was the barista flirting with me? he was young...fairly attractive...not quite out of my league...(meaning, he wasn't under 20)... did i really look like i was having a bad day? i mean...how could i. i look perfect! (did i mention that?).
not that i begrudge the free coffee. please, i'll probably use the coupon this afternoon....but i want to know. why?
any thoughts?
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Do I Have to Keep Counting?
so. i'm making a commitment. i'm going to try to blog every day. i know that a lot of you (quiet as you are on the blog) have been asking me why i'm not updating more often. i'm sorry...dear reader...i will try to do so.
i received a question this morning, which i think is just great...so i'm going to share.
So you are really lethal? To all men or just some?
- Joe
of course i'm Lethal...have you not seen my pictures, my previous posts, my everything? well, you haven't seen my everything...but...close enough. anyway...i am lethal. but not in the way that i'm leaving a string of men in my wake. i was always the "good girl"...married....simple...i did what was expected. but when i was heartbroken, and left pretty much penniless by that no good...well...anyway...left to fend for myself...i've adapted, i've become more independent. i've become a confident woman who can take care of herself...someone who finally figured out that i'm good enough to just be who i am....and that's what makes me lethal. if you have a problem with it. well...you know what to do. must i remind you?
--Lethal Lady
i received a question this morning, which i think is just great...so i'm going to share.
So you are really lethal? To all men or just some?
- Joe
of course i'm Lethal...have you not seen my pictures, my previous posts, my everything? well, you haven't seen my everything...but...close enough. anyway...i am lethal. but not in the way that i'm leaving a string of men in my wake. i was always the "good girl"...married....simple...i did what was expected. but when i was heartbroken, and left pretty much penniless by that no good...well...anyway...left to fend for myself...i've adapted, i've become more independent. i've become a confident woman who can take care of herself...someone who finally figured out that i'm good enough to just be who i am....and that's what makes me lethal. if you have a problem with it. well...you know what to do. must i remind you?
--Lethal Lady
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Question 5..and Update
so...updates first! i'm tired today. i watched about 7 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation shows in a row yesterday, didn't do much else...and then got caught up in the HBO Miniseries John Adams. seriously....i sat around my house all day long, and i'm still tired. ugh. it's been a long two weeks!
i was in miami for a few days. it was beautiful weather. 70's and sunny every day. i got a bit of a tan...just enough to make everyone back here i philly jealous (as if they weren't already?)...
i'm actually glad to be home. of course...i came home to a big pile of bills, and a flooded basement. but why complain, no one listens to that anyway....
well, that's about it. i'm sitting here again tonight...drinking a cup of hot tea...typing away....watching dirty dancing on showtime or something...i think i'm kind of just glad to be home. i don't really want to do anything but sit in my house.
maybe tomorrow i'll hit the town again. probably.
ok. definitely....you all know me too well.
Have you ever had any plastic surgery? I'm thinking about getting a face lift, but am scared. My friends suggest botox, but I think I'm too far gone. If I'm going to do it, I have to go all the way. Anyway, you look great, so, have you gotten any work done?
-Wrinkle Puss

dear wrinkle puss, i have to say, i haven't gotten any work done...fortunately for me, i've been blessed with incredible genes. but i'm all for it. if you need a little help, then why not get it? if your friends recommend botox, maybe you should consider it. if you have good friends, they won't lie to you, right? so trust them...ask them...do you really need to go in whole hog, or can you afford to just get the needle? either way, if it's going to make you feel better, younger, prettier, sexier, whatever...then go for it. because confidence is the most important part of being lethal!
--Lethal Lady
i was in miami for a few days. it was beautiful weather. 70's and sunny every day. i got a bit of a tan...just enough to make everyone back here i philly jealous (as if they weren't already?)...
i'm actually glad to be home. of course...i came home to a big pile of bills, and a flooded basement. but why complain, no one listens to that anyway....
well, that's about it. i'm sitting here again tonight...drinking a cup of hot tea...typing away....watching dirty dancing on showtime or something...i think i'm kind of just glad to be home. i don't really want to do anything but sit in my house.
maybe tomorrow i'll hit the town again. probably.
ok. definitely....you all know me too well.
Have you ever had any plastic surgery? I'm thinking about getting a face lift, but am scared. My friends suggest botox, but I think I'm too far gone. If I'm going to do it, I have to go all the way. Anyway, you look great, so, have you gotten any work done?
-Wrinkle Puss

dear wrinkle puss, i have to say, i haven't gotten any work done...fortunately for me, i've been blessed with incredible genes. but i'm all for it. if you need a little help, then why not get it? if your friends recommend botox, maybe you should consider it. if you have good friends, they won't lie to you, right? so trust them...ask them...do you really need to go in whole hog, or can you afford to just get the needle? either way, if it's going to make you feel better, younger, prettier, sexier, whatever...then go for it. because confidence is the most important part of being lethal!
--Lethal Lady
Thursday, March 13, 2008
home, home at last
i've been out of commission for the past two weeks. i had some things i had to do, and was away from home part of the time. but i'm back now. in cold wintry philadelphia, where i belong.
i've got a million emails to go through, a million questions to answer...and hopefully...tomorrow night (Thurs 7-9 pm) a million people to chat with?
i've got a million emails to go through, a million questions to answer...and hopefully...tomorrow night (Thurs 7-9 pm) a million people to chat with?
Friday, February 22, 2008
Question 4...I'm a media whore.

Are you excited about the Oscars? Have you seen any good movies lately? What movies do you like?
-Julie from Houston
I love the Oscars! Are you kidding me? The clothes, the jewelery, the stars! I'm all over it! I'm hoping that Javier Bardem wins. That No Country For Old Men was so creepy, but I loved it. I wish that Josh Brolin was up for something..he's a delicious piece of man. I liked Gone Baby Gone...even though Ben Affleck directed it. And Juno was cute, but I think that it was a little self-important.
In general, I like mysteries. I love movies about murders and crimes, I love tv shows about that too. Those CSI marathons are my favorite days. Anyway...I also love sappy girly movies, of course...but I usually rent those. In the theater, I like a good thriller. LA Confidential is one of my favorite films of all time.
I'm sure I'll be writing a full report after the show this Sunday...don't you worry!
--Lethal Lady
Update: Oh no. I just realized that I rhymed in my "Title"...that's just bad....
Friday, February 08, 2008
We're All Lost
I keep wanting to quit watching the show. Last season, I told myself I wasn't watching it anymore...but week after week...ugh...there I was in front of the TV again. And then they got me. That final episode. They sucked me back in. They brought it into the future...and they're back home!!
So I sat down last Thursday, along with everyone else in America (or at least 3/4 of America)...and watched. And now. I'm waiting again. Sitting in front of the TV, flipping through bullshit, waiting until 9pm to find out what happens.
What annoys me is that I don't really want to watch. Not really. I want to go out for drinks...or go to sleep early...or read a book...or have sex. Instead, I feel like I'm so invested in these people's lives...the sad sorry prisoners on a crazy island...and I have to know what happens. That's how this show is so successful. We're all trapped on an island as well. The island of the unknown. The island of "What-the-hell-is-going-on-and-how's-it-going-to-end". The island of FRUSTRATION!
I hate them for being so clever. I hate myself for watching it. I only have to wait until 2010. Then I'll be free.
So I sat down last Thursday, along with everyone else in America (or at least 3/4 of America)...and watched. And now. I'm waiting again. Sitting in front of the TV, flipping through bullshit, waiting until 9pm to find out what happens.
What annoys me is that I don't really want to watch. Not really. I want to go out for drinks...or go to sleep early...or read a book...or have sex. Instead, I feel like I'm so invested in these people's lives...the sad sorry prisoners on a crazy island...and I have to know what happens. That's how this show is so successful. We're all trapped on an island as well. The island of the unknown. The island of "What-the-hell-is-going-on-and-how's-it-going-to-end". The island of FRUSTRATION!
I hate them for being so clever. I hate myself for watching it. I only have to wait until 2010. Then I'll be free.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Question 3....Divorcee.
i'm a 63 year old woman and i recently divorced my husband. i'm fairly attractive and in pretty good shape but i'm really nervous about going out and meeting men. all of my friends are married still. the last time i dated i was 22 years old. things are so different now. any suggestions on where to go to meet single men my age?
will i be expected to have sex on the first date?!
-miss "used-to-be-mrs."
Oh…tell me about it sister. I was in your shoes just a short while ago. It's tough getting back out there and "dating"…especially when you have married friends.
My advice to you is to drag your girlfriends out to the bars with you…even if they are married. The more you're out and about, the more you'll be noticed….and approached! Go to the places you frequented when you were still tied. Chances are, you'll meet a more mature crowd at the bar in those places than trying to hit the latest "hot-spot" in your town. (Unless you're looking for a younger fling…then for god's sake…hit the clubs!)
Bottom line is, for all of us single "lethal" women…the only way of getting a date is to put ourselves out there. You've got to be seen, in order to be seen naked!
Which leads me to…sex on the first date…well…that's up to you, darlin'. There's nothing like the feel of a new man, I'll tell you that. I'm sure you've forgotten what it's like to be actually excited by someone new you're in bed with! If you want to get a taste for what the world is like 41 years after your last real date…then I say, GO FOR IT!
--Lethal Lady
i'm a 63 year old woman and i recently divorced my husband. i'm fairly attractive and in pretty good shape but i'm really nervous about going out and meeting men. all of my friends are married still. the last time i dated i was 22 years old. things are so different now. any suggestions on where to go to meet single men my age?
will i be expected to have sex on the first date?!
-miss "used-to-be-mrs."
Oh…tell me about it sister. I was in your shoes just a short while ago. It's tough getting back out there and "dating"…especially when you have married friends.
My advice to you is to drag your girlfriends out to the bars with you…even if they are married. The more you're out and about, the more you'll be noticed….and approached! Go to the places you frequented when you were still tied. Chances are, you'll meet a more mature crowd at the bar in those places than trying to hit the latest "hot-spot" in your town. (Unless you're looking for a younger fling…then for god's sake…hit the clubs!)
Bottom line is, for all of us single "lethal" women…the only way of getting a date is to put ourselves out there. You've got to be seen, in order to be seen naked!
Which leads me to…sex on the first date…well…that's up to you, darlin'. There's nothing like the feel of a new man, I'll tell you that. I'm sure you've forgotten what it's like to be actually excited by someone new you're in bed with! If you want to get a taste for what the world is like 41 years after your last real date…then I say, GO FOR IT!
--Lethal Lady
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Question 2...
Thanks again, everyone...for sending questions. I'm excited to "mentor" everyone on how to live lethal!
What advice would you give a young man, say in his mid 30's, who's interested in approaching an older cougar like yourself?
-Victor Von Hayes
Thanks for the compliment Victor, if that's your real name.... You are in your mid 30's, huh? I think you can keep up with a woman like me.
My first piece of advice is for you to be honest. As I've mentioned in the past…I know a thing or two about men. I know when one is lying to me…and that's a MAJOR turn-off.
Second, be polite and respectful…but show me you're a man who knows what he wants. What I mean is, don't come up and grab my ass (not yet anyway)…but find a way to let me know what you're interested in. More than likely, an older woman will be flattered by your admiration, but she may take it as more of a passing fancy. Don't be shy with your intentions. She may be willing to take you on the ride of your life.
--Lethal Lady
What advice would you give a young man, say in his mid 30's, who's interested in approaching an older cougar like yourself?
-Victor Von Hayes
Thanks for the compliment Victor, if that's your real name.... You are in your mid 30's, huh? I think you can keep up with a woman like me.
My first piece of advice is for you to be honest. As I've mentioned in the past…I know a thing or two about men. I know when one is lying to me…and that's a MAJOR turn-off.
Second, be polite and respectful…but show me you're a man who knows what he wants. What I mean is, don't come up and grab my ass (not yet anyway)…but find a way to let me know what you're interested in. More than likely, an older woman will be flattered by your admiration, but she may take it as more of a passing fancy. Don't be shy with your intentions. She may be willing to take you on the ride of your life.
--Lethal Lady
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Question 1...and an update
Hello all. I'm back!
I was in Los Angeles for a week with some friends. We met Jillian Barbarie...who is SO cute! She was just adorable, and she looks incredible for having a baby only 6 months ago! She doesn't look a bit different than she did before. I dont know if you guys know who she is, but she's does the weather for Fox NFL Football.

So, I'm finally back home, and rested from the horrordays...um...i mean holidays. It's good to have some down time for the next few months. I need to get back into my blogging. I miss you guys!!!
So I know i mentioned before I left that I was going to be trying something new. A little Q&A type thing. And guess what...I've already gotten about 12 questions from my loyal fans out there! Thanks everyone...
Anyway, I'm going to start out with the first question I recieved...from a women in Chicago. She requested I only call her "Alice"...but here is her question, and my answer. Keep sending yours in...I'll be posting as much as possible with my wise and lethal answers!
recently i met a man that's much younger than me.
i'm 55 and he's 32. we have a great time together and the best sex of my life. he seems to really be into me. i'm worried though about what will happen in the future. he'll probably want to have kids eventually. i've already had mine. do you think it's better that i break it off now before we go any further in our relationship? i'm having such a great time.
Look. If you can emotionally deal with the fact that sometime down the line he may end up leaving you for the monotony of a married life with two kids, a picket fence and a dog…then keep doing what you are doing! If you're having a great time, and he is too, there's really no reason to break it off. Hell, you don't know he wants kids. He may be happy in the situation he's in, just like you are.
There's no edict out there that says you can't have fun…in fact, there's a "lethal" edict that I'm setting for that mandates you have fun…so have it!
--Lethal Lady
Well, signing off for today...I'll be back. Talk to you tonight on my Live Chat -- open for business once again!
I was in Los Angeles for a week with some friends. We met Jillian Barbarie...who is SO cute! She was just adorable, and she looks incredible for having a baby only 6 months ago! She doesn't look a bit different than she did before. I dont know if you guys know who she is, but she's does the weather for Fox NFL Football.

So, I'm finally back home, and rested from the horrordays...um...i mean holidays. It's good to have some down time for the next few months. I need to get back into my blogging. I miss you guys!!!
So I know i mentioned before I left that I was going to be trying something new. A little Q&A type thing. And guess what...I've already gotten about 12 questions from my loyal fans out there! Thanks everyone...
Anyway, I'm going to start out with the first question I recieved...from a women in Chicago. She requested I only call her "Alice"...but here is her question, and my answer. Keep sending yours in...I'll be posting as much as possible with my wise and lethal answers!
recently i met a man that's much younger than me.
i'm 55 and he's 32. we have a great time together and the best sex of my life. he seems to really be into me. i'm worried though about what will happen in the future. he'll probably want to have kids eventually. i've already had mine. do you think it's better that i break it off now before we go any further in our relationship? i'm having such a great time.
Look. If you can emotionally deal with the fact that sometime down the line he may end up leaving you for the monotony of a married life with two kids, a picket fence and a dog…then keep doing what you are doing! If you're having a great time, and he is too, there's really no reason to break it off. Hell, you don't know he wants kids. He may be happy in the situation he's in, just like you are.
There's no edict out there that says you can't have fun…in fact, there's a "lethal" edict that I'm setting for that mandates you have fun…so have it!
--Lethal Lady
Well, signing off for today...I'll be back. Talk to you tonight on my Live Chat -- open for business once again!
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