Monday, April 28, 2008

Flobble, Ginourmous...and more.

so...i use made up words. is it a crime? no. is it sometimes embarrassing. well, that, i found out the hard way.

i'm a big proponent of saying what comes to mind. and often times, made up words can explain a situation way better than conventional dictionary words can. (we all know about "truthiness", right?)

so anyway. the other day, i'm in a meeting with some "V.I.P's" and i'm in the middle of talking...and...good comes out. bragadocious. huh? you read it right...bragadocious. sounds good enough, right. you know what it means, just by the sound of it. well, i guess that's not good enough for some people.

"i'm sorry," VIP #1 interrupts.

"um." i say. "i said bragadocious, but what i meant was..."

"brag..a...dooocious?" VIP #2 says.

"yes...but i meant to say braggart." strange looks all around. eyebrows raised. all that crap.

come on...braggart isn't much better of a word. whats the difference, really. just because it's listed in Webster's means it's more acceptable? i mean, it's like it doesn't sound like a real word. and as i said, it's easy to know what i meant....

ok. as i am writing this, i'm thinking to myself. "are you serious?" and, really, am i?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh but you forgot my fav - irregardless!