i hate david archuleta.
there. i said it. and i feel better now. it's off my chest, and i dont care if you agree with me or not. i get why everyone says his voice is great, the boy can definately sing. i just personally don't like his voice.
i can't stand him.
i feel bad cause he's a kid, and i think his father is a stage dad, and forces him to do all of this stuff. it's all over the internet that his father's a crazy one. but...i still can't find the compassion to like david. i just can't.
oh, and did i mention...he didnt know any beatles songs? i mean, come on...you're a teenager, not a mutant!
i don't know. i'm sick of him singing bullshit inspirational songs.
anyway. i just want this kid to be voted off. won't you all stop calling for him?

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