There's a woman in my office that I've been flirting with.
She's sexy and smart and I'd really like to go out with her.
I'm single and so is she. So what's the problem you ask?
Well, she's 57 and I'm 29. I mentioned in passing to some of my guy friends that I thought she was hot. They said “yeh, but she's old dude.” I think she might go out with me but I'm afraid to be seen with her in public. I know I shouldn't care.
Any advice?

you have two choices, Jason….and both begin with “get over it”…
get over it #1…get over her…and pussy out on taking a chance. (not recommending this one.)
get over it #2…(this is my favorite choice)…get over your insecurity. what the hell do you care what the “public” thinks? seriously? You could be passing up some of the best times of your young life. you're friends will end up being jealous of the fun you're having...and the rest of the world can...well...they can fuck off.
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