my girlfriends and i go out a couple times a week to well, meet men. there are a couple of night clubs we frequent but it gets expensive after a while. we're all widows on fixed incomes.
where can we go that wouldn't be as expensive or better yet free! please don't say church bingo!
great question, carla. don't worry, i wouldn't be caught dead at church bingo. please. if i died, and someone brought me to church body would spontaneously rise up, walk out, and die again on the sidewalk. believe me.
so...i'm going to give you a few secrets to living i do. you know i'm on a fixed income as well. any money that i do make from working is spent on my lawyer, trying to settle this perpetual divorce case. (don't get me started on that one...) so...of course, my first tip is to let the guys you meet at these night clubs, bars, you drinks. i mean, you can go all night never having to open your purse. are you actually talking to people when you and your friends go out? or are you sitting around waiting for someone to come to you. it's 2008 darlin'...sometimes you gotta make the first move.
now...have you heard of a little place called starbucks? i shops are the new bar. everyone goes there. sit in the high backed chair...and smile at that man across the table from you with his laptop. for $1.87 and very slow sipping, you can get at least an hour or more of relatively cheap attention.

--Lethal Lady
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