spent my easter weekend cooking and eating. friday and saturday i pretty much spent getting ready for the big family easter that we always have. then we ate and ate and ate. and ate. easter's a great holiday. it makes me happy because spring is finally here...and it's just bright and cheery and so...pastel. plus the ham, lamb, pineapple stuffing, carrot cake...who could complain about that delicious food! oh, yeh, and i guess i should mention that my good catholic upbringing has ingrained the importance of the holiday into my brain, too!
so, i got a question from a girl named renea. and it's not very springy or easter bunny-ish...but it's a question that needs to be answered...so...here you go.
My father died recently, and while it was very sad, it was long-expected. I'd like nothing more than for my mother to go on with her life and find new love--she's still gorgeous and young, at 60--but I'm not sure how to bring it up in a way that doesn't sound trashy. Any thoughts?
well, renea, i'm very sorry for your loss. you're mom is going through a lot right now...before you push her into anything she's going to be uncomfortable about, make sure you talk to her. ask her how she's doing, if she needs to talk about your father...or about anything at all.
if you have a good relationship with you mother, you'll know if she's ready. and when she is...i think that you can easily bring this kind of thing up in conversation. tell her that you think she's beautiful, and young, and that she deserves to be happy. also, let her know that you are ok with her dating, if she wants to. one of her big hang-ups may be that she doesn't want to hurt you! offer to go out with her...it's going to be hard for her to get back into the dating scene...she may need your advice! the more supportive you are of her, the happier she'll be.
--Lethal Lady
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