Monday, May 12, 2008

superficial love.

so the new hot thing right now is paparazzi for the masses. i've been reading about it all over the place. there are these companies that will actually follow you around after you've sent them your itinerary for a day and stalk you like the paparazzi.

interesting? yes.
interested? no.

i mean, being Lethal Lady is pretty high profile in itself...but would i want to have to pay someone to follow me around and pretend i was important.

not really.

so there are two sites that i've specifically seen that do this:
this one is silly. they follow you around and yell your name. people interview you and then you get a fake magazine with your picture on it. i mean....get a life. seriously.

this one
....i find very strangely compelling. they don't act all weird and call out your name or whatever...what they do is follow you around, secretly, and take candid pictures of you. its like....voyeurism that you pay for. right? and you sure pay, it's expensive.... but i kind of like the idea.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Make 500 parody magazine covers with your digital photos for FREE on (upload photo or use webcam).