I am extremely nice and polite to the drivers. I tip them every time I drop off AND pick up my car. And last night, I never asked where my car was. I only stood there. And each time they drove a car up the ramp, they looked at me and said nothing.
Finally after 45 minutes of waiting, one of them inquired what was going on. Someone had marked my parking ticket as "closed out." And so one realized that my car was never retrieved from the cavernous lot below. They apologized profusely, got me my car, and I left for home.
So my question is this... Where did the times go where an attractive woman carrying a ton of packages would get a little special treatment? I know for a fact that in the past (10, 15, 20 years ago), if I were standing in the same situation, the men who drove the cars would have paid attention to me. They would have asked me if they could help, hold my bags, open the door for me. They would have directed me to a bench where I could rest my weary (and sexy heeled) feet. They would have gotten my car right away! Is it wrong, in an age of "female empowerment," to expect a little more respect for the gentler sex? Where have the times of sexy women getting a little special treatment gone?
And never mind all that, where have the times of ANYONE getting proper customer service gone?
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