i'm really not sure how to even begin. i was driving through a less than desirable area of the city yesterday, and i was shocked and appalled by a scene being carried out on one of the streets.
picture it. three kids. two probably around 5 years old, one still in diapers. no shoes, no shirts. playing...on the sidewalk...in the trash.
yes. in the trash. on the polluted, littered, grungy street. with no shoes on. and they were having a blast.
i don't know. thinking back, i feel like, maybe i should have called child services or something. i kept expecting john quinones to come popping out of an alley to interview me for that new Primetime show "What Would You Do?"...
unfortunately, he didn't. and i didn't call anyone either. living in this city
has desensitized me to certain things...and i kid's playing in the street is one of them. i do admit, this was the worst case of child neglect that i've ever seen...and i've seen a lot in 64 years. but, still...i didn't get involved. because, despite how disgusted i was...and still am...about the situation. i'm no superhero (though i may dress up like one every so often). i'm no activist. i'm just a woman trying to get through the day, the best way i know how.
unfortunately for those kids. the best way i know how is to keep moving.
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