what is it about coming back from vacation that makes one feel that everything in their normal life is boring? i arrived back in philadelphia, a city that you all know i love and cherish, this past weekend...and somehow it just feels different this time around. i was in san francisco, again...and i find that i had such a pleasant time...i love that city so much...exact opposite side of the country...well, i'll tell you this, i didn't want to come home.
and i wonder...would anyone have really missed me?
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
i've had a few fanclub membership requests, thanks everyone for joining! i've also had a few emails asking just what the fanclub is all about. with the permission of a few existing members, i'm going to post two sample letters below to let you know just what you get with your membership!
this letter is in response to the theme of "aging":

and this letter is for "flirting":
this letter is in response to the theme of "aging":

and this letter is for "flirting":

Monday, June 16, 2008
me. me. me.
i love it when you send questions about me. i'm not sure if you have realized it, but i love talking about myself. i know some people think that's self centered, but i don't. i think it's self confident. i mean, how else can i share my lethal qualities with the world without talking about my experiences, my life, my love...in short...about me!
anyway. i got this question from tom here in philadelphia. wonder if i'll start seeing him around my apartment anytime soon? lets hope he's just a fan, not a "superfan"...i'm not so sure i need one of those.
What can we find you doing at 2pm on a given weekday?
well, tom, every day is a new adventure for me. some days i'm working, some days i'm lunching on the square, some days i'm sitting around my house in my p.j.'s watching old movies on TCM and drinking martini's! most of the time i'm just doing what everyone else should be doing...enjoying life, love and taking each day as it comes.
there's something to be learned by living in center city at 64 years old. take nothing for granted. every day i have in this wonderful lively city is a day i want to enjoy to the fullest. i mean, i can walk out my door and there are thirty wonderful restaurants just waiting for me to eat and drink! thirty shops with clothes, shoes, bags, housewares and more. historical buildings, museums, national parks and beautiful buildings to admire. am i starting to sound like an ad for philly. oh well. i have to admit, i was born and raised here, and i still marvel at everything that this city has to offer.
today at 2pm, i'll be sipping a glass of wine at one of my favorite bars, with one of my favorite people. perhaps i'll wear one of my favorite dresses to celebrate. not that i have anything to celebrate, but...why not? now you have me all excited about being here.
--Lethal Lady

Don't forget to Join the Fanclub! Click Here!
anyway. i got this question from tom here in philadelphia. wonder if i'll start seeing him around my apartment anytime soon? lets hope he's just a fan, not a "superfan"...i'm not so sure i need one of those.
What can we find you doing at 2pm on a given weekday?
well, tom, every day is a new adventure for me. some days i'm working, some days i'm lunching on the square, some days i'm sitting around my house in my p.j.'s watching old movies on TCM and drinking martini's! most of the time i'm just doing what everyone else should be doing...enjoying life, love and taking each day as it comes.
there's something to be learned by living in center city at 64 years old. take nothing for granted. every day i have in this wonderful lively city is a day i want to enjoy to the fullest. i mean, i can walk out my door and there are thirty wonderful restaurants just waiting for me to eat and drink! thirty shops with clothes, shoes, bags, housewares and more. historical buildings, museums, national parks and beautiful buildings to admire. am i starting to sound like an ad for philly. oh well. i have to admit, i was born and raised here, and i still marvel at everything that this city has to offer.
today at 2pm, i'll be sipping a glass of wine at one of my favorite bars, with one of my favorite people. perhaps i'll wear one of my favorite dresses to celebrate. not that i have anything to celebrate, but...why not? now you have me all excited about being here.
--Lethal Lady

Don't forget to Join the Fanclub! Click Here!
Friday, June 13, 2008
the dreg of society?

i'm really not sure how to even begin. i was driving through a less than desirable area of the city yesterday, and i was shocked and appalled by a scene being carried out on one of the streets.
picture it. three kids. two probably around 5 years old, one still in diapers. no shoes, no shirts. playing...on the sidewalk...in the trash.
yes. in the trash. on the polluted, littered, grungy street. with no shoes on. and they were having a blast.
i don't know. thinking back, i feel like, maybe i should have called child services or something. i kept expecting john quinones to come popping out of an alley to interview me for that new Primetime show "What Would You Do?"...
unfortunately, he didn't. and i didn't call anyone either. living in this city has desensitized me to certain things...and i kid's playing in the street is one of them. i do admit, this was the worst case of child neglect that i've ever seen...and i've seen a lot in 64 years. but, still...i didn't get involved. because, despite how disgusted i was...and still am...about the situation. i'm no superhero (though i may dress up like one every so often). i'm no activist. i'm just a woman trying to get through the day, the best way i know how.
unfortunately for those kids. the best way i know how is to keep moving.
Don't forget to Join the Fanclub! Click Here!
Friday, June 06, 2008
another question.
I'm a recently divorced 60 year old woman who just moved back into the city. I spent most of my life being a mom and wife from the suburbs and now everything has changed. My kids are grown and I'm single again. It hasn't been easy but I'm ready to start a new chapter in my life. I need to get a new look to go along with my new outlook? Any suggestions on where to shop in Philadelphia?
-old threads

looking cute doesn't mean you have to spend a fortune. honestly, i buy a lot of my clothes from the least expected places. zara's has a great variety of both trendy and professional looking clothes, at reasonable prices. you can pick up the latest long hippy-ish sundress for the beach as well as a wrap dress for work...and spend less than $100. i love h&m for staple items, tee shirts, tank tops, etc. and the same goes for american apparel. and there is always macy's and anthropology sale racks. i've never gone wrong browsing the bargain bins at either of those stores. i am a center city girl, so i rarely go down to the gallery mall or old city. and i hate driving out to king of prussia for anything, 76 is the worst.
when i do want to splurge on something "fierce," i usually go to knit wit or leehe fai
i have some of the cutest sexiest dresses that i wear that i bought off a street vendor or from a consignment shop. i may look like a million bucks, but i sure don't spend that much!
--Lethal Lady
I'm a recently divorced 60 year old woman who just moved back into the city. I spent most of my life being a mom and wife from the suburbs and now everything has changed. My kids are grown and I'm single again. It hasn't been easy but I'm ready to start a new chapter in my life. I need to get a new look to go along with my new outlook? Any suggestions on where to shop in Philadelphia?
-old threads

looking cute doesn't mean you have to spend a fortune. honestly, i buy a lot of my clothes from the least expected places. zara's has a great variety of both trendy and professional looking clothes, at reasonable prices. you can pick up the latest long hippy-ish sundress for the beach as well as a wrap dress for work...and spend less than $100. i love h&m for staple items, tee shirts, tank tops, etc. and the same goes for american apparel. and there is always macy's and anthropology sale racks. i've never gone wrong browsing the bargain bins at either of those stores. i am a center city girl, so i rarely go down to the gallery mall or old city. and i hate driving out to king of prussia for anything, 76 is the worst.
when i do want to splurge on something "fierce," i usually go to knit wit or leehe fai
i have some of the cutest sexiest dresses that i wear that i bought off a street vendor or from a consignment shop. i may look like a million bucks, but i sure don't spend that much!
--Lethal Lady
my latest obsession
ok. maybe it's not latest. maybe it's been my obsession for the past few years. but i love the summer most of all because of 'so you think you can dance'. i can't stop thinking about it. i love it. i want to be 28 again so that i could be on the show.
can i dance?...not really. do i do it anyway? i think you've seen my video...hell yes.
ok. i dance around my living room when the show is on. i love every second of it. the kids on the show are so stinking talented. my goodness. it's the best reality show on television. it's true talent.
the judges are hysterical. it's so much better than any of those other dancing shows...the one w/ the famous people...dancing with the stars. so bad. not worth even watching. it's not even worth flipping the channel past it. honestly. it's that bad.
so. anyway. this show. sooo good. it's no coincidence that i do my live chat on thursday nights, so i can watch while i talk. oops. does that make you jealous?
can i dance?...not really. do i do it anyway? i think you've seen my video...hell yes.
ok. i dance around my living room when the show is on. i love every second of it. the kids on the show are so stinking talented. my goodness. it's the best reality show on television. it's true talent.
the judges are hysterical. it's so much better than any of those other dancing shows...the one w/ the famous people...dancing with the stars. so bad. not worth even watching. it's not even worth flipping the channel past it. honestly. it's that bad.
so. anyway. this show. sooo good. it's no coincidence that i do my live chat on thursday nights, so i can watch while i talk. oops. does that make you jealous?
a serious moment. a true story.

so for some reason i've been thinking lately about this man who jumped to his death, from the top of my apartment building. it was years ago. i didn't know him, but i'm sure i'd seen him in the hallways at least once in my years of living there. he landed in the back alley of the apartment building. near the trashcans. i know, because it was roped off for quite a while. we had to leave our trash in a hallway, just inside. i've also been thinking of how i tried to see where he landed. i remember that wanted to see blood. how morbid?
i dont even know why i'm thinking about that guy. of course i don't know his name. i barely remember what my apartment looked like then.
i guess what i've been thinking is that it's rather sad that someone can sink to that place. i mean, it doesn't make me sad...really. but it makes me wonder....what could make someone so sad?
Monday, June 02, 2008
Sunny or Rainy...
gosh what a beautiful weekend it was. sorry it's been a while since i've posted. i've been very tired lately. not sure if it's stress or the change of season or what. i've just been dragging.
well, now it's raining buckets here. i can't go out and have a drink outside the park. and...i've got a backlog of questions to answer...so...i better get to it!
I know it's all part of life but sometimes getting old makes me blue. I often regret the things I didn't do...I tell myself to concentrate on today and not live in the past, but sometimes it's so difficult. You seem so "together" and happy...do you ever feel sad about getting old?
-Wrinkled and Depressed
sad about being old? never. i don't waste my time crying over spilled milk. you can't help that you get old. it happens to everyone, you're born, you're young, you get old, you die. no changing that. what you can change is the regret that you mentioned in your question. there is no reason for you to regret anything. anything. if you didn't do something in the past that you feel you still want to do...DO IT! go dancing, go to rome, sing in the rain, have sex with someone tall dark and handsome...(or short dark and handsome). it's never too late to do anything. honestly, that's why i'm so happy. i recognize that i can do anything i want to. it took me a while to figure out that all that happened to me in my past was just that...passed. and now, i know that there is always a way to do what i want to do. the trick, is figuring it out how...
how? you ask...well that...is for another post ;)
--Lethal Lady
well, now it's raining buckets here. i can't go out and have a drink outside the park. and...i've got a backlog of questions to answer...so...i better get to it!
I know it's all part of life but sometimes getting old makes me blue. I often regret the things I didn't do...I tell myself to concentrate on today and not live in the past, but sometimes it's so difficult. You seem so "together" and happy...do you ever feel sad about getting old?
-Wrinkled and Depressed
sad about being old? never. i don't waste my time crying over spilled milk. you can't help that you get old. it happens to everyone, you're born, you're young, you get old, you die. no changing that. what you can change is the regret that you mentioned in your question. there is no reason for you to regret anything. anything. if you didn't do something in the past that you feel you still want to do...DO IT! go dancing, go to rome, sing in the rain, have sex with someone tall dark and handsome...(or short dark and handsome). it's never too late to do anything. honestly, that's why i'm so happy. i recognize that i can do anything i want to. it took me a while to figure out that all that happened to me in my past was just that...passed. and now, i know that there is always a way to do what i want to do. the trick, is figuring it out how...
how? you ask...well that...is for another post ;)
--Lethal Lady
Monday, May 12, 2008
superficial love.
so the new hot thing right now is paparazzi for the masses. i've been reading about it all over the place. there are these companies that will actually follow you around after you've sent them your itinerary for a day and stalk you like the paparazzi.
interesting? yes.
interested? no.
i mean, being Lethal Lady is pretty high profile in itself...but would i want to have to pay someone to follow me around and pretend i was important.
not really.
so there are two sites that i've specifically seen that do this:
this one is silly. they follow you around and yell your name. people interview you and then you get a fake magazine with your picture on it. i mean....get a life. seriously.
this one....i find very strangely compelling. they don't act all weird and call out your name or whatever...what they do is follow you around, secretly, and take candid pictures of you. its like....voyeurism that you pay for. right? and you sure pay, it's expensive.... but i kind of like the idea.
interesting? yes.
interested? no.
i mean, being Lethal Lady is pretty high profile in itself...but would i want to have to pay someone to follow me around and pretend i was important.
not really.
so there are two sites that i've specifically seen that do this:
this one is silly. they follow you around and yell your name. people interview you and then you get a fake magazine with your picture on it. i mean....get a life. seriously.
this one....i find very strangely compelling. they don't act all weird and call out your name or whatever...what they do is follow you around, secretly, and take candid pictures of you. its like....voyeurism that you pay for. right? and you sure pay, it's expensive.... but i kind of like the idea.
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